

Hello, I’m Crystal-Lee.

I have 20 years of experience working with individuals, teams, and leaders to build effective relationships and the confidence required to reach their next level. 

I have a passion for serving others through coaching. I share leadership principles and tools to help educate, engage, and empower individuals, teams, and leaders to turn up the volume on their current skills and results.

ā€œIf your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.ā€

John Quincy Adams

My area of expertise is in supporting individuals in career transition that are looking to step into their next ideal role or career path. I support organizations and leaders in creating cohesive and high performing teams, building effective relationships, and strategizing to improve communication, motivation, and engagement to achieve the desired results.

Coaching Packages

Career Transition
Executive Coaching360 Feedback

Learning &
Development Solutions

DiSCĀ® Solutions
Leadership Development

Executive Forum Groups

CEO & Top Executive Peer Groups

Receive Crystal-Lee’s free Work Life Balance tool

An exercise to help you identify what tasks you should NOT be spending time on and help you either automate, delegate, or eliminate them!

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